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HOU Hong

Assistant Professor

National School of Development, Peking University



Assistant Professor in Management



Corporate Strategy, Business Ecosystem, Business Model



Digital platforms, ecosystems, and firm strategy(MBA module in English)

Essential readings for strategic management(Bachelor module in English)



Hong Hou is an assistant professor in management at National Development School, Peking University. He obtained his PhD degree from Cambridge University. Between 2007 and 2017, he worked in China as a strategy consultant, strategy manager, strategy director, and CEO’s strategy assistant for several high-tech companies. His industry expertise includes insights on how the strategy function works in real organisations and persistent observation of the ongoing digitalisation across industries and society. On the academic side, his area is the firm growth strategy driven by business ecosystem evolution and business model innovation. He is the best paper award winner at World Open Innovation Conference 2020. He also advises several Chinese companies such as China Mobile.



Hou H, Cui Z.Y., Shi Y.J. Learning Club, Home Court, and Magnetic Field: facilitating business model diversifying with a multi-faceted corporate ecosystem. Long Range Planning, 2020

Hou H, Shi Y.J., Ecosystem-as-structure and ecosystem-as-coevolution: a constructive examination. Technovation, 2021.

Ma H., Hou H. Ecosystem Strategy: Who Should Adopt it and How? Organizational Dynamics, 2021

Hou H, Shi Y.J., Lu Q.L. Transforming an industry as building a plane while flying it: the emergence of a multi-platform configuration, Conference paper (WOIC best paper), 2020

侯宏. 未来已来:产业空间下的生态竞争与演化[J].清华管理评论, 2020年1-2月合刊

侯宏. 平台领导到生态共演:产业互联网的制度视角[J].清华管理评论, 2019年12月刊

侯宏. 从消费互联网寡头垄断到产业互联网生态共同体[J].清华管理评论, 2019 4月刊(《新华文摘》2019年第15期全文转载)


马浩,侯宏,刘永选. 数字经济时代的生态系统战略:一个ECO框架 [J] 清华管理评论,2021年4月刊


石涌江,卢超,侯宏,镇璐.连接商业生态与自然生态,实现中国制造业高质量增长[J]. 清华管理评论, 2018年 11月刊.