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China Data Center, University of Michigan


China Data Center is a constituent unit of the University of Michigan. Founded in 1997, the China Data Center is designed to serve as an international center for advancing the study and understanding of China. A primary goal of the Center is the integration of historical, social and natural science data in a geographic information system. Its missions are: to support research in the human and natural components of local, regional and global change; to promote quantitative research on China; to promote collaborative research in spatial studies; and to promote the use and sharing of China data in teaching and research. The center is partnering with several Chinese government agencies and companies in distributing China statistical data and publications and providing data services outside of China.

Building upon other efforts, including the China in Time and Space project, the Center brings together data currently inaccessible to many scholars because of format and language difficulty. The Center make all its effort to advance research and instructions at the University and in the wider academic community through various activities.

A fundamental role of the Center is the development of cooperative endeavors with China, with other universities, and institutions around the world. The Center will establish mechanisms for coordinating a decentralized effort to standardize, document, integrate, and share data about China with other institutions.

The China Data Center is supported by the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), the Institute of Social Research (ISR), and the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Sciences (ICPSR). The Center is supervised by an advisory committee that includes faculties from different university departments and institutes.
