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XU Jianguo

Associate Professor of Economics

National School of Development/CCER, Peking University


Office Phone Number: 010-62759293


Research Area

Macroeconomics, Finance, International Economics


Educatonal Background

B.Sc in Math, Peking University

M.Sc in Economics, Peking University

Ph.D in Economics, Duke University



2007-2009 Assistant Professor, McGill University

2005-2007 Assistant Professor in Finance, University of Hong Kong


Recent Research Papers in English

 "Price Convexity and Skewness", Journal of Finance LXII, October 2007,2521-2552. 
"Liquidity Risk and the Hedging Role of Options", with Keith Wong, Journal of Futures Markets, vol. 26, June 2006, 789-808.
" China’s Urban Pension System: Reforms and Problems", with Yaohui Zhao, Cato Journal, vol. 21, winter 2002, 395-414.