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ZHANG Dandan

Professor in Economics (with Tenure)
Youth Cheung-Kong Scholar
Boya Youth Scholar

National School of Development
Peking University

China Center for Economic Research
National School of Development (Chengze Campus)
Peking University
Beijing, 100871, China

Office: (+86)10-6275-9779

Dandan Zhang is a Professor in Economics (with tenure) and Deputy Dean (in research, internal and international cooperation) at the National School of Development, and Deputy Dean of Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, Peking University. She is also a Youth Cheung-Kong Scholar and Peking University Boya Young Scholar. Zhang graduated from the Australian National University with a Ph.D. in Economics. Her research fields include labor economics, applied econometrics, and experimental economics, focusing on the welfare of vulnerable groups during transition periods and the impact of social change on human behavior. Her academic work has been published in top economic and general-science journals both domestically and internationally, including the Economic Journal, Nature: Human Behaviour, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Review of Income and Wealth, Economic Research Journal (jingjiyanjiu), and China Economic Quarterly (jingjixuejikan). In recent years, she has led several major projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Fund, and the National High-Level ThinkTank. She has participated as a member of expert groups in special symposia and discussions organized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the National Bureau of Statistics, and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. She has provided policy recommendations on epidemic prevention and control and unemployment issues. The policy reports from her research have been adopted by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the State Council, and related ministries and commissions.


02/2024-Now                Professor (with Tenure)
National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

03/2021-01/2024           Tenured Associate Professor (joint)
Institute for Global Health and Development, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

08/2019-01/2024           Tenured Associate Professor
National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

09/2012-08/2019           Assistant Professor
National School of Development, Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China

11/2009-09/2012           Post-doc Fellowship
Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, The Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia

06/2008-09/2008           Short-term Consultant
World Bank, Sydney Office

04/2004-10/2004           Short-term Consultant
World Bank, Beijing Office

07/2003-07/2005           Assistant Researcher
Institute of Population and Labor Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
Beijing, P.R. China


07/2005-12/2009      Ph.D. in Economics
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Dissertation: Essays on Rural-to-Urban Migration and Its Consequences in Urban China

09/2000-07/2003      M.A. in Economics
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, P.R.China

09/1996-07/2000      B.A. in Social Sciences
Renmin University of China, Beijing, P.R.China


Undergraduate: Intermediate Econometrics, Labor Economics

Graduate: Advanced Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics


Labor Economics, Health Economics, Experimental Economics



1. "Covid-19 pandemic and labor market disparities between genders: Evidence from employees' tracking survey of China in 2020", China Economic Review, forthcoming (with Yiling Zhao and Yaxuan Liu)

2. "Does being 'left--behind' in childhood lead to criminality in adulthood? Evidence from data on rural-urban migrants and prison inmates in China", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, 202:675-693. (with Lisa Cameron and Xin Meng)

3. "The direct and intergenerational behavioural consequences of a socio-political upheaval", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2022, 200:931-958 (with Alison Booth, Elliott Fan and Xin Meng)

4. "Short- and medium-term impacts of strict anti-contagion policies on non-COVID-19 mortality in China", Nature Human Behaviour, 2022, 6:55-63 (with Jinlei Qi, Xiang Zhang, George F. Gao, Guojun He and Maigeng Zhou)

5. "The impact of lockdown policies on labor market outcomes of the Chinese labor force in 2020: Evidence based on an employee tracking survey", China Economic Quarterly International, 2022, 1(4):344-361

6. "Impact of air pollution on labor productivity: evidence from prison factory data", China Economic Quarterly International, 2021, 1:148-159 (with Shuai Chen)

7. "The evolution of the wage gap between rural migrants and the urban labour force in Chinese cities", Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2020, 64(1):55-81.

8. "China's sex ratio and crime: behavioural change or financial necessity?” (with Lisa Cameron and Xin Meng), Economic Journal, 2019, 129(618): 790-820. (Nominated for the Sun Yefang Economic Science Award's Best Paper)

9. "Gender differences in willingness to compete: the role of culture and institutions" (with Alison Booth, Elliott Fan and Xin Meng), Economic Journal, 2019, 129(618): 734-764.

10. "Measuring TFP of Australian agriculture industry with national account data: An international consistent method" (with Yu Sheng, Tom Jackson, and Shiji Zhao), Review of Income and Wealth, 2016, 63(s1):s169-s193.

11. "Coresidency, ethnicity, and happiness of China's rural elders" (with Rachal Connelly, Michael Iannotti, and Margaret Maurer-Fazio), Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2015, 56(1):70 – 88.

12. "Education inequality between rural and urban China, migrants' children education and some implications" (with Xin Li and Jinjun Xue), Asian Development Review, 2015, 32(1):1-29.

13. "A comparison of reform-era labor force participation rates of China's ethnic minorities and Han majority" (with Margaret Maurer-Fazio and James Hughes), International Journal of Manpower, 2010, 31(2): 138-162.

14. "An ocean formed from one hundred rivers: The effects of ethnicity, gender, marriage, and location on labor force participation in urban China" (with Margaret Maurer-Fazio and James W. Hughes), Feminist Economics, 2007, 13(34): 125-153.

15. "Input substitution, productivity performance and farm size" (with Keith Fuglie, Alistair Davidson, and Yu Sheng), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2016, 60(3): 327–347.

16. "Energy trade efficiency and its determinants: A Malmquist index approach" (with Yu Sheng, Yanrui Wu, and Xunpeng Shi), Energy Economics, 2015, 50:306–314.

17. "Productivity and farm size in Australian agriculture: reinvestigating the returns to scale" (with Yu Sheng, Shiji Zhao, Katarina Nossal), Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2014, 59:16-38.

18. "Economic growth, regional disparities and energy demand in China—Implication for energy market integration in East Asia" (with Yu Sheng, Xunpeng Shi), Energy Policy, 2014, 71:31-39.

19. "Comprehensive measurement of energy market integration in east Asia: an application of dynamic principal component analysis" (with Xunpeng Shi, Yu Sheng), Energy Economics, 2015, 52:299-305.

20. "Public investment in agricultural R&D and extension: an analysis of the effects on Australian broadacre productivity" (with Chunlai Chen, Yu Sheng), China Agricultural Economic Review, 2015, 7(1):86-101.


1. "The impact of Covid lockdowns on China's labour market outcomes in 2020: Evidence based on an employee tracking survey", in Ligang Song, Fang Cai and Yixiao Zhou (eds), China Update: China's Transition to a New Phase of Development, ANU Press, 2022, 193-226

2. "The global financial crisis and rural-urban migration" (with Xin Meng and Tao Kong), in Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song and Wing Thye Woo (eds), China Update, Brookings Institution Press, 2010, 241-268.

3. "Impact of economic slowdown on migrant workers" (with Xin Meng and Tao Kong), in Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song and Wing Thye Woo (eds), China Update, Brookings Institution Press, 2009, 233-260.


1. “Environmental protection inspection, price fluctuation of industrial products and firm entry, World Economy [世界经济], 2022,1: 110-132. (with Min Wang and Shuo Li)

2. “The impact of Covid-19 on the Chinese labor market: A comprehensive analysis based on the individual tracking survey, Economic Research Journal [经济研究], 2021, 56(2):4-21. (with Fang Cai and Yaxuan Liu) (nominated for the final Pushan Academic Research Award review)

3. “From ‘Hospital Runs’ to ‘Health Care for All’: The impact of the public health policy change, China Journal of Economics [经济学报], 2021,8(2):107-131 (with Jindi Huang and Chuliang Luo)

4. “Impact of air pollution on labor productivity: Evidence from a prison factory Data”, China Economic Quarterly [经济学季刊], 2020, 19(4):171-190. (with Shuai Chen)

5. “Role of government in the process of upgrading the industrial parks in China”, Macroeconomic Management [宏观经济管理], 2019, 7(427):55-72. (with Luosha Du and Chi Chen)

6. “Minimum wage, rural migrants’ unemployment, and crime: Evidence from China”, China Economic Quarterly [经济学季刊], 2018, 17(3):1035-1054. (with Lixing Li and Chen Tong)

7. “The determinants of migrant’s crime: An empirical study based on a prison survey”, China Economic Quarterly [经济学季刊], 2014, 14(1):83-112. (with Ye Wang, Xin Meng and Lisa Cameron)

8. Marketization and gender wage differentials, Population Science of China [中国人口科学], 2004, 04(1):32-41.

1. “Chapter 4: Labor Flow and Economic Growth”, in Yao Yang and Rudai Yang (eds), Development Economics in China, Peking University Press, December 2023

2. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on China’s Labor Market - A Comprehensive Analysis Based on Scholarly Individual Tracking Surveys”, compiled by the China Employment Promotion Association, Combatting the Pandemic and Resuming Work and Production – China’s Path to Ensuring Stable and Innovative Employment Development, China Labor and Social Security Publishing House, June 2023.

3. “Opportunities and Challenges of Chinese Enterprises Investing in Ethiopia: An Analysis Based on the Perspective of Political Economic Development”, in Liu Haifang et al. (eds), Chinese African Studies Review, Social Sciences Academic Press, December 2021 (with Min Wang, Chenyang Li and Xuefen Lin)

4. “The Application of Experimental Research Methods in Empirical Economic Studies”, in Lin Yifu et al. (eds), The First Lesson in Economics, CITIC Publishing Group, June 2021.

5. “Chapter 5: Rural-to-Urban Migration”, in Yao Yang (eds), Forty Years of Chinese Economics, The Commercial Press, December 2019.

6. “3.4 New Perspectives and Applications of New Structural Economics in the Field of Labor Economy, Comments and Q&A for Issues of China’s Human Resources Endowment”, in Yifu Lin, Caihui Fu and Yong Wang (eds), What’s New in New Structural Economics, Peking University Press, March 2016.

7. “Chapter 9: Gender Differences in Social Integration of Migrants: Wages Integration Model”, in Liqin Zhang, Fenglian Du and Xiaoyuan Dong (eds), Gender and Economic Development: Empirical Research Methods, China Social Sciences Press, May 2012.

8. “Chapters 5, 7 and 9”, in Fang Cai, Juwei Zhang and Yang Du (eds), Green Book on Population and Labor 2002, Report on China's Population and Labor — Problems and Solutions of Urban and Rural Employment, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2002.


1. “Remote work possibility and changes in labor market impact”, under review at the Journal of Asian Economics (with Chuliang Luo and Yiran Zi)

2. “Medical resource scarcity and inequality in Covid-19 fatality rates: A study based on hospitalized patients in Wuhan, China”, R&R at the Health Economics (with Xiao Liu)

3. “Air pollution, labor productivity, and individual consumption” under review at the Journal of Population Economics (with Shuai Chen and Min Wang)

4. “Minimum Wage Adjustments and Potential Labor Market Outcomes in China: An Examination through Protests” (with Shiyun Hu, Hongyi Jiang, and Yuan Qin)

5. “Preferred sons are ‘rotten’: giving to one’s parents in the lab in China” (with Maria Porter and Xiaobo Zhang)

6. “The Unbearable lightness of being: Impacts of Covid-19 pandemic on suicide mortality in China” (with Guojun He, Xiang Zhang, Hongbo Li, Jinlei Qi, and Maigeng Zhou)

7. “A big push effect of rural-to-urban migration in China” (with Xin Meng)

8. “The unintended consequence of the One-Child Policy on female crime in China: Evidence from rural-to-urban migrants” (with Zhuoyuan Gao)

9. “Peering into attrition: The influence of peer dynamics on worker turnover”, (with Xiyuan Yu, Yichen He)

10. “A spatial AutoRegressive Hurdle Model with group structure: Application to peer effects on smoking behavior” (with Guang Zeng)

11. “The social impact of rural-to-urban migration on urban ‘natives’” (with Xin Meng)

12. “The determinants of life expectancy: A correlation analysis of panel data from 2004 to 2020” (in Chinese) (with Hongbo Li and Wei Huang)

13. “The Demographic Transition and the Rise of Industrial Robots in China” (in Chinese) (with Hongbo Li)

14. “China’s 40 years demographic dividend and labor supply: The quantity myth” (in Chinese) (with Xin Meng)

15. “The Impact of GPTs-AI technologies on the Chinese labor market” (in Chinese) (with Lixing Li, Hang Yu et al.)


1. “Migrants’ Crime and Social Security System”, PI, National Social Science Foundation of China (No.20AZD086),2020-2023

2. “COVID-19 Pandemic and Control Measures”, PI, Peking University (No.7100602966), 2020.3-2020.12

3. “A Study on Rural Migrants’ Crime in China: Pattern, Determinants and Policy Implications”, PI, Natural Science Foundation of China – General Project (No.71973004), 2020-2023

4. “Research on Promoting Fuller and Higher Quality Employment”, PI, Key Research Topic of National High-level Think Tank, June 2023 - December 2023

5. “Research on the Path to Eliminate ‘Data Silos’ and Policy Suggestions”, PI, Key Research Topic of National High-level Think Tank, March 2021 - December 2021

6. “The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Our Country's Economy: An Analysis from the Labor Market Perspective”, PI, Key Research Topic of National High-level Think Tank, March 2020 - December 2020

7. “Research on Education and Health of Rural Migrant Children: Based on a Subjective Measure in Human Capital”, PI, Natural Science Foundation of China –Youth Fund Project (No.71403009), 2015-2017

8. “Rural Governance, Left-Behind Children and Its Social Consequences”, PI, sponsored by the Institute of New Rural Development, Peking University, 2018

9. “Research on the Impact of Population Change on Economic Growth”, PI, sponsored by the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 2015

10. “Social and Economic Impacts of Rural-to-Urban Migration in China”, PI, sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Government, 2013-2015

11. Tongshan Education Grant, PI, Peking University, 2012-2013

12. “Dynamic Wage Gap between Urban Labor Force and Rural Migrants in Chinese Cities”, PI, sponsored by the Poverty and Economic Policy, 2008-2010


Nominated for the Excellence in Teaching Award at Peking University, 2023

Recipient of the Outstanding Teaching Award at Peking University, 2022

Awarded the Excellent Mentor Award for “Undergraduate Research Training” at Peking University, 2022

Youth Cheung-Kong Scholar, Ministry of Education, 2020

Boya Youth Scholar, Peking University, 2020

Mulan Scholar Honorary Title, Peking University, 2019

Mulan Youth Scholar Honorary Title, Peking University, 2018

Bank of Beijing - Teaching Achievement Award, Peking University, 2018

Teaching Achievement Award, Peking University, 2016-2017

Excellent Class Teacher, Peking University, 2016-2017

Teaching Achievement Award for Youth Lecturers, Peking University, 2015

First Prize for Excellent Overseas Students, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China, 2011