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Specific format guidelines:
Title ( 16 pt .)
1. Heading on the second level ( 14pt .)
2. Heading on the second level ( 14pt .)
2.1 heading on the third level ( 12pt .)
For further information, following are the regulations in specific:
Tables and figures should be printed on separate sheets instead of inset into the original text. Tables and figures are required to be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, with the notification of their corresponding position in the textual manuscript. Descriptive title legends are required for figures.
Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of its corresponding page, led by superscript numerals and consecutively in whole.
References should provide the publication information for each cited work, basically including author's name, the year of publication, name of the press and its location. Meanwhile, the page number is necessary if only part of the reference book is considered. If more than one work written by the same author and published in the same year are cited, letters in alphabet order, like a, b, c, are to be added separately in each referential item, right after the year of publication, for differentiation. All the referential items are required to be ordered alphabetically according to the initial letter of author's family name. In addition, citation is obligatory for each individual quotation which should consist of author's family name as well as the year of publication. For further information, following are the exemplified instruction:
Author's Last Name, First Name. Time of Publication. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Landes, William M. and Posner, Richard A. 1987. The Economic Structure of Tort Law, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Chapter in edited book or essay in edited collection:
Author's Last Name, First Name. Time of Publication. Title of Chapter. In Title of Book, ed. Editor's name (in normal order), Page number. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Braverman, A. and J.E. Stiglitz. 1989. Credit rationing, tenancy, productivity and the dynamics of inequality. In The economic theory of agrarian institutions, ed. P. Bardhan, 185–201. Oxford : Clarendon Press.
Magazines and Periodicals:
Author's Last Name, First Name. Year of Publication. Title of Article. Title of Magazine or Journal Issue number, no. volume number: Page Numbers.
Williamson, Oliver. E. 1968. Economics as an antitrust defence: the welfare tradeoffs. American Economic Review 58, no. 1: 18–31.
Internet information sources:
Author's Last Name, First Name. Year. Title of Article. Name of the site or its responsible organization. Date Information was downloaded. URL Address.
Clinton, Bill. 1996. 1996 State of the Union Speech. Presidential Politics: CNN. 10th October.
Reference in Chinese: Chinese reference should be cited in its English translation, followed by Chinese spelling in Pinyin in the bracket. In order to trace back to the original reference, the Chinese title of thesis and books/journals as well as its publisher are generally needed.
Lin, Yifu, Shiyuan Pan, and Minxing Liu. 2006. Technology choice, institution and economic development, China Economic Quarterly 3, no. 5: 695–715. (Jishu xuanzhe, zhidu he jingji fazhan, Jingjixue Jikan).
Wu, Jinglian. 2006. Economic Reform in the Contemporary China , Shanghai: Shanghai Fareast Press. (Dangdai Zhongguo Jingji Gaige, Shanghai Yuandong Chubanshe).
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